How to improve your memory

How To Improve Your Memory

How To Improve Your Memory

It’s not about how great your memory is.

It’s not about how smart you are.

It’s about linking the unknown to the known.

It’s easier for the brain to remember images than anything else.

The idea is to convert everything you want to remember into an image to make it easy for the brain to remember. Weird images are most likely to be easily remembered.

Here’s a list of ten things you’ll need when you go camping.

  1. Soap
  2. Comb
  3. Toilet Paper
  4. Sunglasses
  5. Flashlight
  6. Swim suit
  7. Camera
  8. Robe
  9. Tent
  10. Water

As you can see It’s a long lest to remember. Much harder to remember which item is number 5 and which is 7 etc..

Now we need to convert every number to and image and combine it with the image of the item we want to remember. There are many ways of converting numbers into images but the easiest is to choose an image that rhyme with the number. You can make your own version of course. But, Here’s a version I believe is easy to remember.

  1. Sun
  2. Shoe
  3. Tree
  4. Door
  5. Knife
  6. Bricks
  7. Oven
  8. Gate
  9. Mine
  10. Pen

Remember: You can come with your own list which will be easier for you to remember than mine.

Back to our list. Our first item is “Soap”. Now, You have to connect soap and sun in a weird image or animation in your head. To me, I’m thinking That there’s a huge explosion on the sun’s surface and soap bubbles are bouncing on the sun’s surface instead of lava.
Second item is a “comb” and we have to connect it with “shoe”. I’m thinking that i’m wearing a weird hairy shoe and I’m using a comb to brush this hair.

Third item is “Toilet Paper” and we have to connect it with “Tree”. So, I’m imagining a tree with toilet paper all over it instead of leaves.

And so on……

You should be able to memorise all these ten things within seconds.

Try it on this list first and test yourself then try it on other lists you really want to memorize.

Here’s a step by step video to make it even easier fro you.

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